Fun Feedback from you awesome peeps!

I love getting replies from you guys. Here are some cool ones from the past couple weeks…


In response to the GivingCard Stories email, Murph replied:

“To my sweet Joel💕… I can’t believe you posted that today… 💕That’s me…💕 Your favorite kindergarten teacher Murph… 💕Love you always and forever”

Whoa! Small world! Nice to put a face with the name, Murph! I love you too. 🙂


This one’s from Beth, in response to The Marathon Runner

“This actually makes me think of something from a Disney movie! In the newest one, Encanto, it’s not just that despite not having powers, Mirabel saves her family, it’s because she doesn’t. She’s proving that “Gift or no Gift, I am just as special as the rest of my family,” despite outside proof saying otherwise. And you know what? She succeeds!!”


In response to Your Higher Value, Alex says…

“I asked and received a 10/hr raise! I also had to do a follow-up email because after it was ok-d it didn’t show up in my paycheck. The follow-up email was the hardest. Self worth is a muscle I must exercise regularly or it weakens… Yay! I have self worth today while also sincerely valuing others. That feels like a win-win.”

(For anyone out there feeling undervalued at work — use Alex as inspiration! She’s a rockstar.)


In response to a pic I sent of Cooper recently, Blanca replied…

“Hi Cooper, I am Cooper. I too, make sure my mom never leaves my side.
Greetings from Chicago! ❄️🥶 Blanca & Cooper”


A couple weeks ago, from Andrew…

“I wanted to thank you for the last few emails specifically the value of a water bottle and the marathon runner. I had to give two separate talks today to two completely different audiences and I incorporated them into my talks. I used the marathon runner example In a talk I gave to colleagues on pain and how wonderful the brain can be and override pain when you do something extraordinary. I used the value example when talking to a group of kids and inspiring them to seek value in their friends and not conforming to a trendy things that might not be in their moral values. If their value is degraded it might be time to seek new friends.”


Happy Friday, y’all! Thank you for being a part of my life.
Cheers, Joel

(Ps. here is a video of Cooper playing the bongos, just for funsies)