
“Two years ago I was working for another attorney as an intern, and then a licensed attorney. I was in that firm almost 2 years. The owner repeatedly told me that I didn’t generate enough income for the firm to be worth the money she paid me. (Which was pennies, I tell you!) So when the pandemic hit & my kids needed me at home, it was an easy decision to leave. I was newly licensed, but said “Fuck it! I’ll figure it out!”

October 1, 2020, I opened my own firm. That first quarter, my firm had less than $8,000 in revenue. But I’ve figured some things out, and I made the terrifying decision to join a coaching group to get some help. My firm still has a LONG way to go as I work through some mindset issues & gain confidence in myself. But last year, my first full year in operation, my firm grossed $106,373.99. I thought I was close to 6 figures, but it felt so good when my bookkeeper confirmed it yesterday. And when I think about how I did that much business on my own, I can only imagine what that number will be at the end of 2022.”

– from Kathy in Oklahoma


Morning’ and happy 1st of the month!!

I got the above note from Kathy last week and wanted to share it with the group. Such an inspiring story!

She is living proof that betting on yourself is the opportunity of a lifetime. Sure, it’s hard work. You have to face all kinds of self doubt and scary feelings… But on the other side of allย it’s always worth it.

Congrats Kathy, and thanks for sharing! Cheers to an awesome 2022. ๐Ÿฅ‚

Have a great day, all. Bet on yourself!!
– Joel

Breakfast of champions! Thinly sliced leftover chicken chorizo meatloaf with sunny side eggs ๐Ÿ™‚

PS. Here is Kathy’s Law Firm Website!! In Oklahoma, her practice areas include estate planning, business transactions (formation, contracts, etc), and unemployment appeals. On a national level, she serves clients with trademark registrations & veterans benefits appeals. Check her out if anyone needs help (or wants further inspiration!!)