Festivus for the rest of us

Happy Friday!

Let the celebrations begin! Here’s a few cool things going on in my world:

  • This week I received a settlement check from the Equifax class action law suit. It was only $5.21, but that’s $5.21 i didn’t have last week! 🎉
  • I also received our first dividend check from a large re investment we made back in July! Woohoo passive income!! 💰
  • At work, I set a goal with a deadline of Dec 31st… and already exceeded it! Looking forward to some downtime over the holidays! 😎
  • There’s a big surf swell headed into SoCal. Next week I’m headed down to San Diego to get smashed by big waves with my brother 🌊
  • Yesterday I walked past one of those free little libraries and spotted one of my fav books (Endurance). Looking forward to re-reading that this holiday. 📚
  • It’s gonna be 80 degrees this weekend!!! ☀️ (I was debating even sharing this, I know many of y’all are going through a cold snap. Sorry!)


What are YOU celebrating this week?
– Joel

This one’s from Christmas 2017 — we drove up to Montana and couldn’t keep Cooper out of the snow 😬