FinCon 2018 – Recap & Highlights from a First-Timer

FinCon 2018 Reviews


I just returned home from FinCon 2018 held in Orlando, Florida. This was my first time attending the conference, and it won’t be my last.

The conference itself was educational, professional, and I came home with a lot of practical action items to help with my blogging.

What happened outside conference hours, however, is the reason why I will be returning in future years. Laughing, drinking, meeting new people, drinking more, playing games, drinking, staying up late, and drinking even more!

Remembering all the awesome interactions over these blurry 5 days is tough, so I’ll summarize just the highlights and favorite points.


Conference Highlights:


My Favorite Keynote Speaker:  

No disrespect to the keynotes here… They were all good. But I think the crowd favorite was actually the emcee who introduced all the speakers! Bethany Bayless. I could have just watched her for a few hours and left completely satisfied.


Best Answer During a Q&A Session:

FinCon Panel Review

Question from random attendee: What should someone do if they can’t get their partner onboard with this whole financial independence thing?

Answer from Mr. 1500Get a new partner. 


A Random Fanboy Comment I Witnessed:

Incredible Cash Dummy (approaches Mr. WoW) and says: OMG…! You’re the guy from Waffles on Wednesday! I’m so honored to meet you… You changed my entire life!

Mr. Waffles on Wed Thanks. How so?

Incredible Cash Dummy:  Well, I used to eat Tapatio, now I only eat Cholula hot sauce!


Best Dance Moves at FinCon:

Hands down this award goes to Jillian Johnsrud from Montana Money Adventures. She lead the longest conga line FinCon has ever seen during the closing party sponsored by Bloomy.


Best Beer I Tasted:

FinCon beer reviews

Unholy Trippel from Coppertail Brewing


Good Advice I Heard in a Panel Discussion:

“Sequence of Returns Risk is the number #1 reason early retirees fail”Big ERN


Good Advice I Overheard While Drinking in Hall:

“Always maintain a straight face while farting in public. Even the best crop dusters can be caught by odd facial expressions” – Attendee who will remain Anonymous


Best Dressed at FinCon:

Crazy Cat Lady Lillian Karabaic dressed as David Bowie from Labyrinth. Awesome outfit, awesome lady!

FinCon Outfit Review


Coolest Person I Met:

A random stranger walked past me and asked if I wanted a beer. He reached into a box, handed me a beer, and left without introducing himself or saying anything else. Thank you random guy!


Coolest Person I DIDN’T Meet:

I was really hoping the Countdown to FI guys would be at the conference. But they didn’t show up, so I’ll have to drink with them another time.


Trifecta! Joel, Joel and Joel:

FinCon 5am Joel FI180 Pour not Poor Joel


All Kidding Aside

I truly enjoyed the FinCon 2018 Conference and am so grateful to be part of the FIRE community. Every single person I met was approachable, kind, fun and excited to connect with me. I would encourage any new FIRE walker/blogger to attend next year.


And a massive THANKS to my friends at Waffles on Wednesday who pushed me to attend in the first place. Cheers!


OK, One Last Note:

We need your help to fund the final editing of Playing with FIRE, the first documentary of it’s kind that explores the Financial Independence Retire Early movement.

Official Movie Trailer:

Back the KickStarter Campaign here:

No matter the $ amount given, it’s more important that there’s a larger # of total givers. More backers helps Hollywood people sell the movie into more areas. (Would rather have 1000 x $40 backers than only 1 x $40,000 backer)

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