Fun replies from the community…

Happy Friday, y’all!

I love you guys. You are the best. Today I want to share a couple fun email responses I received recently from people here. Getting replies and having random chats with you guys is the best part of my day 🙂


This one came from Terri:

“My mom wants to know if you’ve ever worn a helmet while surfing ? I’m not sure why she’s asking me to ask you. But she’s reminded me 3 times. So apparently it’s important to her. Well, what say ye?”

(no, I don’t wear a helmet. But I love that she is so concerned for my wellbeing! 🤗)


From Murph:

“To my sweet Joel…💕 If ever you start a company…💕 And have another occasion to ring the opening bell 💕or the closing bell… 💕Please invite your favorite kindergarten teacher “Murph… “That would be a dream come true for me.”

I definitely will, Murph!!! (Murph taught kindergarten in Connecticut for 35 years and writes me often. She begins each email with “My sweet Joel…” and ends with “Love, your favorite kindergarten teacher, Murph”. 😍)


Alan wrote:

“May you all live in heaven with all your dreams being met in abundance! Oh wait: we can just do that here and now!”

I’m gonna start sharing more of Alan’s quotes and sayings. He has such a “can-do” attitude! 💪


From L.X.

“Joel, someone is out there stealing your emails word for word and not giving you credit. It’s f***ing BS because they didn’t write them!”

Honestly, I think that’s a good thing. Steal away! Share as far and wide as possible. It’s about getting more goodness out into the world :). All archives are posted here, share and re-post whatever you want!


Happy Friday! Make it a good one!
– Joel

Christmas shopping done! ✅

Ps. Here’s the longer story about the NYSE I promised.

Pps. More info on my wife and I’s foster/adopt journey for those that haven’t seen it. (We are still in the waiting phase)

Ppps. I love you and have a great day!