Happiness vs. Joy

Happiness is momentary. Anyone can feel happiness, it’s quite easy. Give someone their favorite food and they’ll be happy in that moment.

Joy is a deeper, longer term satisfaction. Joy is more balanced, as it often comes with struggles, sacrifices and selfless acts. For example, raising a child or falling in love gives you joy. You feel it involuntarily.

I write a lot about happiness and how to boost your mood each day. Momentary happiness is important (not to mention it’s extremely contagious! 😀).

But the truth is, Joy is my North Star in life. It’s what puts me to bed each night, content, no matter the days circumstances.

Today: Be happy wherever you can, but don’t forget to build your life around the things that give you true joy.

Happy Sunday,
Love Joel

Went strawberry picking yesterday! Yummmm.