Fun happenings in the community…

Here are some celebrations and things some of y’all shared…

– Ben H turned 38 this week! He’s celebrating “having good friends and a sunny spring weekend to camp on the Oregon coast”. Woohoo! šŸ„³

– Kathy from Oklohoma said: “7 years ago today, I signed my acceptance letter and paid my deposit for law school. Today, Iā€™m sitting outside the courthouse preparing to represent my client in a probate hearing”. Nice work, Kathy!! āš–ļø

– Tamra is celebrating spring time!! “my favorite time of the year! We have lots of wildflowers popping up along the roadways. It is beautiful! (Minus the pollen in the air!)” šŸŒ»

– Yvonne’s nephew sent her this photo from Toronto. šŸ‘†šŸ‘†šŸ‘† We don’t know if it’s a sunrise or sunset, but it’s beautiful nevertheless! šŸ¤©

– Sherrie is “Celebrating a new grand baby born last week!”. Woohoo! Congrats on the expanding family Sherrie!!! šŸ„‚šŸ£

– From Colin: “Me, my wife and dog are going to Osoyoos BC (12 hour drive) for a month of vacation”. Travel safe, Colin and family! I’ll be living vicariously though you šŸ•

– Christina baked these Italian cookies called ricciarelli from Siena! šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡. They will keep her company while she is catching up on school work this weekend! šŸ˜‹

– Sara from AZ put in her 2 weeks notice at work! She’s planning a long sabbatical to relax and enjoy life. CONGRATS Sara! šŸŒ“ šŸ˜Ž

– Lastly, some nerd out there called “Joel” is celebrating finally receiving all his tax documents. He is excited to file his 2021 tax return this weekend. What a nerd šŸ¤£ (this is me, and I like nerdy tax stuff)

Love, Joel

Brunch last weekend. Chicken chorizo meatloaf, eggs and toast.