It’s Friday! Lettuce celebrate 🥬

Happy Friday, and happy 1st of the month!

My wife and I like to celebrate every 1st of the month… It’s a tradition we started many years ago to cheers our wins, acknowledge our blessings, and share celebrations with others.

Here’s a few cool things going on in our world last month:

  • My rockstar wife applied for, got accepted into, and enrolled in grad school! 🎓 Wow – she moves fast!
  • I was a guest on a big podcast last month! And they paid me $50 to speak for about 8 minutes. Cool! 🤑
  • 3 of my work articles were featured and shared in various favorite round-ups ✍️
  • We made $275 in bank bonuses last month! 💰
  • We finally got our tax return! 1 less thing I have to worry about 😅
  • I enabled ads on… which made me about $120 in ad revenue! (I know, i’m a sell-out! but don’t worry, the $ will be going to a good cause – more on this later!)


Soooooooo…. What are YOU celebrating today? How have you been blessed this past month?

Big or small, it’s worth a cheers!

Make it a great day,
– Joel

Torturing Cooper to take a photo with me.