Life level #37! 🎂

Today is my birthday! I have officially reached life level #37!

But, my age number doesn’t really mean much… Because I still play hide and seek with the neighborhood kids like I am 5 years old, I go to bed early like a 70 year old, I drink like I’m in my 20’s still, explore new hobbies like a teenager, reflect on life like an old man, cry like a baby sometimes, and listen to music as if I’m living in the 80s.

My true age (on the inside) is all over the place! It changes daily.

And I’m determined to keep this flexible mindset and lifestyle for as long as I can. 😊

Have a great day, y’all. Cheers to loving life no matter how old you are! 🥳
– Joel

Circa 1987? I must have been 3 or maybe 4 in this birthday pic 🙂