March Radness

Happy Monday and happy 1st of the month!!!

A few years back my wife and I started celebrating every 1st of the month. This ritual brings cheer, pride, encouragement, gratitude and celebration into our household and lives.

Please join in today… It’s easy to do:

  • grab a pen
  • write down 3-4 awesome things that happened last month
  • buy a cheap bottle of bubbles/sparkle drink
  • at dinner tonight, raise a glass and read out the things you wrote on your list
  • cheers, toast, and laugh at how rich your life is.
  • That’s it!

It’s a new week and new month. Lead with celebration. 🙂

Cheers, Joel. 🥂

A few things from my list:

  • Wifey is now eligible for the vaccine (teacher), cheers to good health!
  • We booked a long vacation for later this month. Haven’t been on a plane in over a year!
  • Last week we bought another real estate investment. This is our 10th RE partnership, hello passive income!!
  • We received a $200 bank bonus. Woohoo, free money!!