Today Statistics – Pre-Christmas…


Did you know, today…


– You’re probably going to get richer! Because statistically, Monday is the most likely day of the week that the US stock market will rise, rather than fall.

– We’re probably in for good weather, too… Mondays have the least chance of rain!

– There will be 384,701 babies born today. Congratulations!

– And many, many more babies conceived… December is the most common month for getting lucky 😉

– Christmas will come early for some!… About 91 million people will exchange and open Christmas presents today instead of Wednesday the 25th.

– About 7000 people around the US will celebrate Festivus today. Including myself!

– Love is in the air… This holiday week we’ll have a 700% increase in hugs, kisses, and I love you’s.

So much goodness happening today! Have a good one,
– Joel

Cooper in the snow again