Today, you will probably:
- screw something up
- waste some time
- waste some money
- miss an opportunity
- eat something unhealthy
But that’s totally ok! We can’t be perfect all day every day. We are humans, not robots. We make mistakes.
As long as we try to…
- learn from our screw ups
- get most of our to-do list done
- not waste too much money
- create or find new opportunities
- eat an apple once in a while
…then we’re doing pretty dang good I think! (Ok, maybe it takes more than an apple to be healthy, but you get the point)
Today: Don’t dwell on the first list. Screw ups are inevitable. Instead, focus on the second list and be the best imperfect human you can.
Happy Thursday! 🙌
– Joel
Today is my older brother’s birthday. (Happy Birthday, Mike!) Pic is from about 1988, back in Australia where we grew up.