The Buffett Formula

Warren Buffet’s best advice…

“Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.”

“Read 500 pages – every week. That’s how knowledge builds up, just like compound interest.”


Happy Tuesday y’all!

I don’t know about reading 500 pages exactly, but I love the idea that knowledge builds like compound interest. That’s why I’m trying to make a habit of daily self education.

I wonder what new things I’m going to learn today? I wonder who and where I’ll learn them from?

I wonder what I can teach others?

Have a great day learning,
– Joel

Believe it or not there are 3 owls in this photo! But you probably can’t see them cause my iPhone isn’t great and this photo is low res. These owls are camped out at a nearby park – I’ll try to get a better pic next time I visit them! 🦉