Who are your playing for?

“If you play for the name on the front of the jersey, they’ll remember the name on the back” – Tony Adams ⚽️


It’s funny, many people think promoting themselves will make them stand out and be remembered.

But it’s really the opposite. The best way to promote yourself is to promote others. Recognize and tap into the full strength of your team and the people around you.

  • Actively listen
  • Offer your help
  • Encourage people
  • Pass the ball (regularly!)
  • Celebrate other people’s wins

Forget about who gets credit. You’ll accomplish more in the long run and leave a longer lasting *positive* imprint on others.

Have a great day, being the best team player you can be.
– Joel 💪

“On our way back from an amazing (and 2yr delayed) honeymoon in Costa Rica! We were fortunate to see many animals and gorgeous tropical scenes :)” Cheers Kylee S. for the pics!! 🙏