4% pain… for 96% gain!

Good morning and happy Saturday!

Oh man, I really don’t feel like working out today. Had a killer long week, a late night yesterday, my brain hurts, and all I wanna do is relax and do nothing all day.

But, I read one of my flash cards this morning. It says…

60 minutes of work out is only 4% of your day. No excuses.

Bugger. It’s true.

4% of my day isn’t that much. And there really is no excuse.

Plus, working out makes me sleep better, feel happier, clears my mind, gives me energy, gets me outside, and I never regret it.

60 mins of work out makes the other 1,380 minutes of the day better. That’s a good time trade. I’m IN!

What about you? Ready to sacrifice a little, to gain a lot?

Happy weekend! 😎

Sunset, Los Angeles a few nights ago 🙂