Beautiful stories. Beautiful people.

Many years ago I was flying commercially somewhere and I had already been flying in the Air Force a number of years. I had a window seat and I told the employee at the gate that if anybody else would want a window seat, I don’t mind trading. A bit later she called me up and gave me a new boarding pass which was for an aisle seat. As I was walking down the jetway to get onto the plane I noticed I was in row 2 or 3 now. Then I put 2 and 2 together and realized she put me in first class. Wow, first class was sooo nice. I wasn’t expecting her to do any kind of good deed, but I was thankful that she did. And to this day I regret not being able to thank her for doing that for me. I was already passed the person checking boarding passes and maybe even on the plane when I realized it was first class, so there was no way to go back. I periodically think that I hope she realizes that I was really thankful.”

(From Ray ✈️)


“When money is tight, families need to focus on the essentials and often have to make difficult decisions when considering the “extras” that typically add a little bit of fun to our lives. In an effort to help ease that burden I used my Giving Card to make birthday bags for the Community Kitchen, a food pantry run by TEEG (a local non-profit community organization). Thanks to the very generous folks at Giving Cards, four families with an upcoming birthday (or something else to celebrate) will each receive a birthday bag when they pick up their weekly essentials. Each birthday bag consists of a colorful gift bag filled with a cake pan, boxed cake mix, a can of frosting, candles, and balloons. Hopefully this will make their special day a little bit brighter! 🙂”

(from Katie 🎉)


“Yesterday, I was cleaning my car late afternoon and I felt a wet nose tickling my ankles. I turned around only to find this cute little puppy who just seemed so happy to find another human being. I already knew that he was a stray judging by how malnourished and dirty he was. I can’t imagine what he’s been through, let alone what he did to survive. I couldn’t just let him wander off so I scooped him up and took him home where I fed and bathed him. He was soooo happy that it just made me so happy to see him like that. It was getting dark, so my family and I made a little bed for him where he could rest for the night. The little guy SLEPT. He probably didn’t have a good night of rest for some time being out on his own 🙁

As much as I wanted to keep him, I couldn’t due to our lack of living space and my current doggo… We called our local humane society to pick him up and they came in the morning

Shortly after I said goodbye to my friend, I was informed that I was offered the job position that I recently interviewed for. Life works in such interesting and unique ways huh?”

(from Rachel 🌺)


“My original plan was to use my Giving Card to purchase much needed formula and add it to my food bank donation. I had heard there was a shipment of the scarce types just delivered to my local grocery store so I hopped in my trusty transport and scooted myself right down so I could at least get one can. Boy had prices skyrocketed! As I reached for one of the precious commodities, I started talking to a young dad standing beside me. As we stood there he quietly looked through the few items in his cart trying to decide what he could live without. I found out he was on his own and doing the best he could. He got my card. (And a couple more cans of Formula that I paid for and left up front for him) I didn’t get any pictures but the look of shame and then relief on his face said enough. I also found out he lives just down the street from me so door drops can totally be a thing : )”

(From Lisa 🙏)


Wishing you all a happy weekend!
– Joel