Bring the “weekend you” to work today…

Here’s a little secret to having a good Monday…

You see, most people think they have to change who they are at work. Monday feels like when the “weekend you” needs to morph back into the rigid “weekday you”.

But the secret to having a good Monday —> is to never stop being the weekend you.

You’re allowed to have fun at work. You’re allowed to try new ideas, take risks and make mistakes. You are allowed to be YOU.

People genuinely like who you are and respond better to authenticity.

Try it today… Bring the weekend you to work and see what happens.

My guess is you’ll be a happier, brighter self. (And everyone around you will brighten up too 😉)

Happy Monday!
– Joel

This pic is from Mike… “From my home town, Noosa Heads in Queensland, just heading in for a morning swim at 6am.” Cheers Mike!!