I officiated another wedding! Here’s my speech script…

wedding officiant speech

Woohoo! I officiated another friend’s wedding 🙂 And I want to share the speech script in hopes that it helps others out there if they are asked to be a wedding officiant.

Before creating this script, I did a lot of googling, talked with older married couples, and pondered a lot about marriage. It took a few weeks of random note taking before I was able to piece together a nice flowing script.

Just like last time, I was given rough parameters:

  • Can include a little religion, but not too much
  • Please acknowledge relatives
  • Keep it short and swift 🙂
  • Couple have written their own vowels

That all being said, here is what I came up with 👇👇👇

Wedding Officiant Speech Script:


WELCOME everyone!!!!!

    • Please be seated
    • And please silence your cell phones
    • My name is Joel, I have the pleasure of officiating this marriage 🙂

(OK, let’s see if I can get through this without crying (haha))

First off – [Groom’s Mom]… THANK YOU for inviting all these friends and family into your beautiful home, and everything you’ve done to host this special day.

[Groom’s Dad] – he’s here in spirit, and I can’t imagine him being more proud of you [Groom].

And [Bride’s Mom] and [Bride’s Dad]. Thank you for being here and supporting this marriage! [Bride] and [Groom] aren’t just officially starting their new family today, they are expanding yours. 🙂

<pause, take a breathe>

I’m convinced — that the foundations of a true marriage – begin way before the actual wedding day happens.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching [Bride] and [Groom] grow as a couple over the past few years, and they formed strong foundations in their relationship a while ago. They survived COVID together, they’ve traveled to exotic places together, merged both their day to day lives, as well as long term life plans.

One of the things [Bride] and [Groom] both told me (separately and early on in their relationship) about each other is that their morals are aligned. And that they were impressed with each other’s true character. How cool is that!?…

For two people who are – let’s be honest – quite different in their backgrounds and personalities and tendencies… For example… During Covid while [Groom] was clorox wiping down all the groceries and food packages in the house, [Bride] was still abiding by the 5 second rule.

But seriously, as opposite as some of these characteristics are —> [Bride] and [Groom] have actually found a perfect fit. Their core values match.

<pause, take a breathe>

And the reason this foundation is so important is because a marriage continues to build and adapt for the rest of your life.

A wedding is not a validation of what you have today. Your not just agreeing that you both love each other currently… You’re agreeing that you will love each other —> forever, no matter what happens in life.. you’re agreeing to love the future person that your partner turns into.

You’re agreeing to hard work. You’re committing to tackle the scary and unknown together. You’re committing to sacrifice. You’re agreeing to set aside the things you want individually and prioritizing building the life that the other person dreams of.

You’re agreeing to give 100%, always and forever.

Scary, right? (lol)

<pause, take a breathe>

Nah… it’s not scary.

Today was meant to be. Ask anyone here with a sole mate – “How do you know when you’ve found the right one?”…

They’ll tell you… “You just know”. You know because you trust them. Because you trust their core values and true character. Just like [Bride] and [Groom]  guys do.

(Oh yeah, marriage is also really fun – despite all the seriousness) LOL.

<pause, take a breathe>

I have no doubt you guys are going to have a long and successful marriage.

So, if you’re ready… I’m gonna ask you some questions, so you can attest your commitment to each other…

<bride and groom nod they are ready>

    • Do you both choose each other to be partners for life? [We do]
    • Do you choose to trust and respect each other, and support one another in good times and in bad times? [We do]
    • Do you love what you know about each other today, and trust what you do not yet know? [We do]


And now [Bride] and [Groom] are going to share some personal vowels they have written to each other.

—> Groom Vowels. (2 mins)

—> Bride Vowels. (3 mins)

Ok. Let’s get the rings….

RINGS: These rings are a symbol of life long commitment. They seal the vows you have just taken to love each other for the rest of your lives.

By the power vested in me, and by the strength of your own love, I now pronounce you, MARRIED!

You may kiss each other!


That’s it! The wedding went really well and I got great feedback from guests.

This is the second wedding I’ve officiated, and we’ll see if I get asked again. If you haven’t checked it out, here’s the original wedding officiant speech I wrote the first time. Hopefully this will give you ideas when writing yours.

Wishing you luck for the upcoming special wedding day!!

Love, Joel