It’s good news week!

3 x quick good news stories…


1) Happy anniversary to this daily email! I started writing daily 5am emails on March 31, 2017 – so we just crossed 3 years! Wow. Thank you everyone for your encouragement and participation in this. I love you all.

2) I just signed a contract to write articles for a large financial website. Woohoo! It’s just a part time gig to start with but has potential to grow much bigger. More to come as things unfold!

3) From last week’s email on car insurance, I received email replies from a bunch of you guys… Collectively, we saved over $5,000 in annual premiums! (this only includes the people who actually wrote me back, so the real number might be more?). I also saw a few articles this week on insurance companies issuing automatic refunds due to less driving. Savings is savings!

Have an awesome weekend, guys. Stay safe and stay sane!
– Joel

Small world… A couple of the Metromile employees read FIRE blogs and saw that I mentioned their company. They sent me a free pair of socks to say thank you!