May the 4th be with you!

Morning everybody! Exciting news to announce today…

I’ve been asked to join a team at Soapbox Financial Network, a division of the Motley Fool! These guys are a bunch of personal finance nerds who are creating content to help people better their financial situation and live happier lives.

Specifically for me, I’m going to be writing blogs at a site they own called Budgets Are $exy. I know, it’s a weird name, but the site is amazing and the guy who created it is a personal hero of mine. More to come on this – I will start blogging there in June.

It’s been 2 years since I quit my last full time job. I always thought I’d jump back into tech sales and continue my old career… But the universe has other plans for me.

Here’s a few reasons why I’m excited to explore this new opportunity:

– Soapbox and I share the same overall mission: To help more people succeed in life.

– I get to start slowly. I’ll be working only a few days per week 🙂

– Writing is something I want to get better at. I’m enjoying how difficult it is!

– I get to work along side my mentors and people I can learn from.

– It’s something I’ve never done before and it scares the shit out of me. (Most people run from stuff like this, which is why I should be running towards it!)

As for this daily email, I’ll still be putting out notes each morning. No changes here. 🙂

Thanks always for your love and support. Chat to you tomorrow!

– Joel

Happy Star Wars Day

PS. Happy Star Wars Day! Don’t forget to wash your Hans. 🙂