Halloween – Statistics in the USA – 2019


Today is Halloween!

And there’s some weird stuff going on tonight…

– Americans will spend about $8.8 billion in preparation for Halloween tonight 🤮.

– 22% of Americans will go to a haunted house attraction.

– And 80% of those haunted houses are operated by charities! (It’s a good thing, because they generate ~$300mil in charity revenue from ticket sales)

– Silly string is banned in Hollywood. If you’re caught using silly string you’ll get a $1000 fine, according to the city ordinance LAMC Section 56.02. This law was put into effect in 2001.

banned silly string

– If you bought a pumpkin in the US (about 44% of Americans did), there’s a ~70% chance it was grown in Illinois. 🤷🏻‍♂️

– The fastest pumpkin carver in the world, Stephen Clarke, lives in New York and holds a world record for carving a full pumpkin in 16.47 seconds! What a unique skill.

– About 800 households will stick too many candles inside their pumpkin lantern tonight and will accidentally burn their house down. 🔥

– Skittles are the #1 halloween candy in the US. They took the top spot from Reeces Pieces a few years ago.

– President Trump’s favorite candy is Oreos. But instead of dunking them in a glass of milk, he prefers to dunk them in Diet Coke. What a weirdo!

– President Trump is hosting his annual trick-or-treat party tonight at the White House. He has ordered all of the house-maids, gardeners and security guards to come and ring the front door bell, and yell “trick or treat!”. Last year, Trump ran out of candy to give out, so one of the security guards was forced to play a trick. He kicked Mr. Trump square in the nuts, and then TP’d the front of the white house. Since the security guard was in costume, he never got caught and still works there to this day.

Happy Halloween everyone!

– Joel