Happy 1st! What are you celebrating?

Happy March y’all!

Years ago, my wife and I started a tradition… To celebrate every 1st of every month! πŸ₯‚

It’s a quick affair, just taking a few minutes to recognize the cool things going on and remind ourselves how rich and beautiful life is. (You never know when life will end, so we gotta celebrate as much as possible while we can – big and small things!)

Here’s a couple things we’re cheers-ing to today:

  • Our family is all happy and healthy (and growing) 😊
  • My old employer just informed me of an unexpected bonus check. Woohoo! πŸ€‘
  • Some close friends recently got engaged… Not only is my wife the maid of honor, they also asked me to officiate the ceremony! πŸ€΅β€β™‚οΈ
  • My family in Australia just booked tickets to visit this summer! It’s been years since we’ve seen them. ✈️
  • I found a secret museum near me we didn’t know existed (and it’s FREE!). So definitely excited to go back there more this year. 🀩


Sooooo….. What are YOU celebrating? What’s awesome in your life right now?

Happy Tuesday,
Love, Joel

After our run yesterday, my wife and I put our shoes outside to sit in the sun for a bit. A few hours later I noticed more shoes on the step… It seems the neighborhood kids were playing in our front yard and took their shoes off too, placing them in line with ours.