I am an idiot #7 🧑🏻‍💻

A little while ago I stumbled across a job listing.

While I’m very happy where I work currently, this new company sounded so cool! I got really exited and wanted to apply – just to see what happens.

I wrote “apply for that job” in the bottom right corner of my to do list.

Then the doubt crept in…

– Maybe my resume isn’t good enough?
– Other candidates probably have way more experience than me.
– What if I get the job, and need to leave the one I really like right now?
– Maybe I should think about it longer…

Well, yesterday, I finally mustered up the courage to apply. I went to the job website… and… the posting is GONE.

It’s no longer available. The position has been filled. I waited too long.

I’m not sad that I missed out, I’m sad that I didn’t even try.


Not sure who needs to hear this today, but… you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take in life.

If you come across an opportunity that excites you, TAKE THE SHOT. Don’t be an idiot like me. 😀

Forever learning, Joel

Snapped this mural randomly down in Oaxaca last week. There are cool wall paintings like this hidden all over the town. 🙂 I searched online last night I found the artist who painted it!

(Previous I am an idiot archives here.)