“I am good at what I do”

Tuesday affirmations: (say these out loud to yourself this morning):

  1. I am good at what I do.
  2. I may screw up some times, but for the most part I am good at what I do.
  3. My customers enjoy working with me because: I’m good at what I do.
  4. My coworkers depend on and look up to me because: I’m good at what I do.
  5. I will continue to get better, because I am always learning and improving how I do what I do when I do it and why I do it. 😜

Ok that’s it. Have a great day, being your rockstar self!!!
– Joel 💪

“This one is from “top of the world” in Lake Arrowhead. It was outside a restaurant that on a clear day you can see all the way to Catalina Island.” — from Kevin S! 🤩