Just say Nooooooooo.

Laying in bed last night, stressing about my trivial first world problems, I pulled out my phone and googled “how to simplify life”…

And I found this gem:

–> STOP saying Yes to shit you don’t like doing! <–

This one slapped me in the face because I have a tendency to overcommit. Sometimes I feel guilty if I’m not doing enough, helping enough, keeping up with the times, being there for others, making enough money, living enough life, etc… And this guilt leads me to accepting challenges that I really don’t need to take on.

So today, I’m practicing the power of saying NO (politely, of course).

Maybe you need this reminder, too?

Wishing you a simple, stress-free Tuesday.
Love, Joel

From Jason Brown: “Went to Clearwater Beach, Florida, last week and saw a cool sunset”