National compliment day 💁

“Wow! You look so cheery and happy this morning… I’m lucky to know such a positive person”

“You’re an incredible problem solver. Thanks for teaching me new things all the time!”

“I just want to say I’ve been noticing how much you care about XYZ, and your hard work really shows. Thank you for what you do.”

“I know you’re juggling a lot right now, and I’m really impressed with how you’re handling it all. In case nobody else has told you recently, Thank You for being you.”


Mornin’ guys! Happy Monday!

It’s National Compliment Day today. Which means everyone you meet and work with you have to say something nice to them.

Remember: Making others feel good —> makes you feel good.

I can’t think of a better way to start the week.

Have a good one, you handsome, smart, thoughtful, lovely, incredible souls.
– Joel

San Francisco bay, taken from Newark facing towards Palo Alto. Thanks Paul for the pic!