One Good Thing

Happy 1st of the month! Today we’re celebrating #OneGoodThing in various areas of our life!…

#OneGoodThing in Work: Today is my 1 year anniversary at my writing job. Woohoo! Also, my wife’s contract is being renewed for the next school year after the summer. We are grateful to have employment we enjoy 🙂

#OneGoodThing In Family: This past week I called my Grandpa in Australia. It’s been a while so it was great to have a nice long chat. He’s such a wise man!

#OneGoodThing in Money: Our vet has been amazing – he allows us to email him quick questions which has saved us from booking physical appointments. We’ve saved hundreds!

#OneGoodThing in Health: I got to surf 4 times this past week, which is keeping me fit!


What’s #OneGoodThing going on in your world lately?


There’s been a huge improvement in the past 24 hours with Cooper! He’s almost back to his hyper annoying self, except for he’s still got weird coordination and balance. The vet recommended physical therapy, which many of the exercises we can do at home :). Thanks again for all your well wishes!!