People like YOU

homemade superman capes


Being perfect at everything will please more people, right?


Perfectionism has many downsides:

– it makes life difficult for people around you
– makes you want to avoid certain activities (if you think you’re not good at it, you don’t even try it)
– it’s exhausting
– brings stress and anxiety
– not authentic.

“People like you, not because you’re perfect, but because you’re authentic. People like you for you.”


Benefits of Authenticity (being yourself!):

– Confidence
– You attract more people and develop stronger relationships
– Passion, happiness, more energy
– Less self doubt
– Less regrets later in life

Today, I’m striving for authenticity!

– Joel


*photo up top circa 1987. Mum made me and my brother superman capes with our initials on the back. We loved them!