Resume vs. Eulogy

Your Resume…

  • What you’ve done at work
  • Numbers, stats, accomplishments
  • Constant progression, ladder climbing
  • # of people you manage
  • Company brands, reputation

Your Eulogy…

  • Who you actually ARE
  • What drove you to do stuff (your WHY)
  • # of people you helped/effected
  • Depth of your relationships
  • Your ripple effect (legacy)
  • True character traits

Resume’s are important! And it’s good to continually kick ass at your career!

But what will people say at your funeral? Your Eulogy is less about the quantity of things you’ve done, and more about the quality of the human being you are.

Today: Focus on building your eulogy virtues. This is what most people care about and remember.

Happy Tuesday!
Love, Joel

Ripping it on a slalom ski!