The 5 by 5 rule…

The thing that you’re worried about today… Will it really matter in 5 years time?

Most of the things that upset or worry us are short lived. So if you keep a long term mindset, you can quickly sift through what is worth your attention now, vs. the things you need to quickly let go and move on from.

5 by 5 rule: If it’s not gonna matter in 5 years… don’t spend more than 5 minutes being upset about it.

Have a wicked day!

Internet is back up this morning, and I’ve got more speed than I know what to do with!!

5 thoughts on “The 5 by 5 rule…

  • This is a very useful tip! I try to stick to it. I first saw this recommendation, it seems, in the book by B. Tracy. It’s simple and effective. Unfortunately, I don’t always succeed)))

    • Always easier said than done! πŸ™‚ I tried to find the origin of who said this first, it’s difficult because so many legends have referred to it. Great advice regardless! Have a great weekend Illia!

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