There are angels, you know… 😇

“There are angels.

They don’t have wings and live in clouds.

They wear nurses uniforms and work hard to pay the rent on their houses. Some work for charities because they can’t look the other way. Some have 4 legs and bark.

Whatever they look like, they save lives.

Sometimes you bump into them. Sometimes you marry them.

If you want to be an angel you have to do it when you are alive. Do good. Do nice things.

Introduce a lonely woman to a nice man.

You are my angel, Tony.”


This is from a scene in the show “After Life“. (It’s a very dark and sad show actually, I only watched a handful of episodes and balled my eyes out every time! 😭)

But there are some beautiful scenes with great messages in there.

Today’s message: “If you want to be an angel you have to do it when you are alive. Do good. Do nice things.”

Wishing you a great Sunday, being someone’s angel.
– Joel