Tips to survive a 13 hour ✈️ flight!

I’m currently on a 13hr flight from Los Angeles —> Auckland.

Long flights are tough. But here’s a few tips to help you survive…

1) Bring a small gift or some nice candy for your flight attendant 👩‍✈️. They will be surprised and hook you up with free beers and other goodies throughout your flight. (Today I bought my attendant 3 small Ferrero Rocher chocolates – it works, trust me)

2) Right after take-off, pretend to be dehydrated and faint. Try to fall down somewhere near the back of the plane if possible. The flight crew will then move you to an empty row of chairs and pamper you while you sleep for the entire flight. (On most international flights the 2-3 back rows are kept empty for sick people and crew to sleep)

3) Most important tip: Always maintain a Positive Mental Attitude on long flights. If you think your flight is gonna suck, it will suck!

You got any tips to share? I’m all ears.

✈️ ✈️😀😀

*Photo by Giuseppe Famiani