Want one of these drawings?

Are you feeling extra charitable this morning?

Want a chance to “win” one of these small drawings I made?… I’ve set up a silent auction and all the money will be donated to World Central Kitchen (provides fresh meals for displaced Ukrainian families)

12 drawings are up for grabs. Bidding starts at $1 each.

Here’s how to enter…

  • Go to this Silent Auction Form.
  • Enter your bid under each pic (you can bid on as many or as little as you like)
  • Highest bidder wins!
  • I’ll collect all responses this weekend and contact the winners to get their postal address. (No need to send me money directly… Just make the promised donation, send me a screenshot or confirmation and I’ll post you the pic you wanted)

Cool? Head over to the Auction Form and check out the pics.

Cheers and Happy Thursday!!
– Joel

PS. All these doodles are just drawings I made on the back of 5×7 post cards. Nothing special, I’m just doing this for fun and charity.