A weird way to motivate yourself…

Here’s a cool (and weird!) motivation trick I learned yesterday…

  • Download the “FaceApp” (free version) app on your phone
  • Upload a photo of yourself
  • Use the “age” filter to make yourself look 30 years older…
  • Print the photo, and hang it above your work desk.

Here’s what old Joel looks like…


Now, use that photo of your future self as a daily reminder. Every time you see it, remember…

  1. Life is short! Soon you will be old and grey, so make the most of every day while you are young!
  2. Ask yourself, “Am I making the right choices today, so that I’m becoming the best version of myself later?”
  3. What is 1 thing you can do — right now — to make your future self proud? (eg. Take a risk, save an extra dollar, try that xyz hobby you’ve been wanting to do)


Happy Thursday! Make it a great day, because your future self is watching!
😉 Joel