Workin’ on the wellness

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.”

Happy Sunday friends!

Today, I’m working on my wellness! Mental, physical, social and financial. Here’s a few things I got planned…

  • 1 mile run + 20 push ups ✅
  • Turning phone off for 2-3 hours ✅
  • Spend time sitting outside ✅
  • Forgiving, forgetting ✅
  • Call my family for a chat 🙂 ✅
  • Review my weeks $ spending ✅
  • Celebrate my small wins ✅
  • Do a good deed for someone ✅
  • Drink and eat healthy ✅
  • Get to bed early ✅

Whoa, that’s a lot of stuff! But, even if I only get a few of these done, it’ll be a Sunday well spent.

Take care of yourself. We only get 1 body/mind/life. Don’t blow it!
– Joel

Why did the cow cross the road?

To get to the moooooovies!

Pic: Just a beautiful cow we saw on our travels last weekend 🙂