100 year old gift

Last week someone sent me a gift in the post…

It’s a bottle opener with a wooden handle.

At first I thought it was kind of strange, because I already have about 50 bottle openers.

But, when I texted my friend to say thanks, he said to thank his kids! They were the ones who hand made it.

He’s been teaching them woodwork.

How to lathe, carve, sand, and scribe the wood.

And it gets even better…

The wood that the used was stuff they found “dumpster diving”.

This specific wood used to be part of a 100 year old house that is being torn down and rebuilt.

What a cool gift and story!

I’m imagining 100 years ago some people were building a house in the 1920’s… They have no clue that right now I’m holding a bottle opener in Los Angeles made form the same wood they were using.

Anyway, this all got me thinking…

Today, the things you do, say and build may affect people 100 years from now. So, make sure they are sturdy, worthy, and well thought out.

Someone in the future is depending on your good input today. 🙂

Happy Friday.
Love, Joel