2020 Good Stuff List

This year:

– One of my friends created a side business and is making a consistent $200/week profit for very minimal effort.

– Another friend created a free online course, which is helping 150+ people gain control of their finances.

– One friend met the girl of his dreams. They’ll prob get married next year.

– Another guy I know signed up a huge new client that doubled the size of their business!

For all the challenges 2020 has brought, there have been some unexpected wins too.

I sat down last week and wrote a “2020 Good Stuff List”. There’s about 15 things on it so far, all stuff that happened this year and positively impacted my life.

I encourage you to start a list too, even if it’s short.

It’s important to remember the good things (and celebrate them no matter how big or small). Writing these down will help you close out the year with appreciation 🙂

Painted rocks for Christmas

Someone left these on Christmas morning outside my front door. 🙂