A note on NY resolutions…

Got this note from a reader named Cindy 👇👇👇

“Years ago, I got smart enough to start picking just one NY’s resolution like this to work on implementing over the year. A couple of the first of these new resolutions were replacing “have to” with “get to” and “should” with “will” (oh, the years I wasted causing myself so much stress by procrastinating! â˜č).

No more long lists of “faults” to fix; no self-judgement or harsh guilt if there were no major life changes—extended effort is the only requirement for my version of “success.” What a difference this made in my life!

Funny thing—since making these changes in attitude, my resolutions have actually been easier to stick to and have resulted in the incremental self-improvements needed for long-term major life changes. I think that’s the kicker in so many areas—small changes making huge improvements over time; we are just such a NOW society that it’s hard to wait for it.”


Food for thought for any of you dudes pondering new years resolutions. Don’t overcomplicate it!

Make it a great day, a fun night… catch you all next year đŸ„‚
– Joel

“Lax to Vienna” — From my friend Daniel, getting away for New Years! đŸ€©