Appreciating true friendships…

I received this beautiful email yesterday from a reader, Nesrin, and wanted to share it with you all (with her permission, of course)… 👇👇👇


About changing the world , I have this one friend that did change my world .. Her name is Mayssa , and she’s literally the kindest person you can ever meet .. She’s pretty , gorgeous actually , she’s soo kind that you feel she’s some angel fallen accidentally from the sky .. she’d be by my side even if she’s at her worst .. she’s the definition of friendship , a pure soul thrown by god _and thank god _ in my life .. she tough me how to be cheerful , grateful , patient , optimistic and how to enjoy life to the fullest .. she’d listen to me , cry with me , advice me and I have no doubt that she’d do anything to see me ( and everyone) happy .. if you ever write an email about friends or friendship , I hope that u’ll include our pic in it and thank her for being such a blessing , I really love her but I kinda don’t know how to express my feelings , and I want to do a lil something for her to show her how much I love her and i’m grateful for her .. thank you 💕


I wrote an article recently (on my other blog) about the 5 Top Regrets of Dying People. One of the top regrets people have in life is “I wish i’d had the courage to express my feelings more”.

So I want to encourage everyone (myself included) to start expressing your feelings more to the people that have a big impact in your life. They may be walking around and not even know it!

“Feeling appreciation, and *not* expressing it, is like wrapping up a present and not giving it”

Happy weekend!!
Love, Joel

Nesrin & Mayssa. Beautiful!