Happy August! – Personal Updates

Happy Sunday!

Today I’m sharing a few personal updates and stuff we’ve been up to this summer (I would love to hear what you’re up to too!).

If you’re only here for my regular morning notes, no worries – just delete this email and the regular stuff will resume tomorrow morning!

A few cool happenings in my world:

– My wife and I have been visiting family in Montana for the past few weeks. It’s been a very relaxing trip, with a lot of water activities and celebrating the small and beautiful things in life. We return back to California next weekend – a 20 hour drive – please send us your podcast recommendations! (On the drive up here we listened to Teachers Pet and Man in the Window. Great shows, but definitely disturbing!)

– The new company I’ve been writing for offered me a long term contract! Still part time hours (and I get paid less than what I was making 15 years ago fresh out of high school). But hey, I like the job/people/company/values and still feel I’m building a fun future. For those who don’t know already, this is a blogging gig for a division of The Motley Fool… I write about money and share personal finance stories. If you’re interested, you can sign up for this blog here. Posts come out each Monday and Friday.

– The LA School district has closed campuses for the rest of this year, so my wife is teaching remotely via Zoom video calls. She misses seeing the kids in her classes, and biking each day to work, but working from home has it’s benefits too. Cooper is loving the constant attention and never being left home alone!

– My application for a CA real estate license is still on hold. COVID has shut down all the in person exam offices in California, and there’s no way to take the exam online at this stage. I still plan to sit the exam, but it’s a waiting game right now.

– In the meantime, I’m taking 2 online courses offered by some friends. Camp Progress hosted by Jillian Johnsrud started last week, and Take Control of Your Finances by Alan Donegan starts on Monday (it’s free if you want to join!! Always fun learning new things.)

– Wife and I have reached day 100 of our 100 push-ups per day challenge! That’s 10,000 pushups! And we’re thinking of continuing through till the end of the year. At this point my wife and I can bust out sets of 40 in a row – maybe we should up our daily goal? Feel great to stay fit, especially since my limited beer drinking challenge failed after only 4 days 🙁

All in all, life is good and we have nothing to complain about!

Hope you are all doing well, building fun memories, and staying safe!

Love, Joel.