Bad news, good news.

Bad news: A lot can change in a year
Good news: A lot can change in a year


We’ve all been thrown big unexpected changes this year. These changes were out of our control. Some of it is “bad”.

But, we’re all capable of designing some changes of our own this year too. These changes are IN our control. This is “good” news!

A lot can change in a year. Stop reading the news and start making your own news.

What’re you working on today?

– Joel


Stocked up for our Cinco de Mayo party tonight!

2 thoughts on “Bad news, good news.

  • No party for us here today. Though, I do wish I had some Pacifico on hand. That’s one of my favorite Mexican beers. Also, I like Tecate. Not as big of a fan on Corona and Modelo.

    Fortunately, my company has been doing well. We’re in manufacturing and our products go into other products that end up in grocery and big box stores. What am I working on? Working at my regular job as our products go into products deemed essential. Also, continuing the right activities to ensure FI remains visible a few years down the road. There’s always something to be working on. Trying to take action daily!

    • Great attitude JR. Staying focused on FI and keeping your head down working through hard times. Great to hear your company is plugging along still!

      As for the party, our neighbors have been quaran”teaming” with us so we are lucky to have a small crew to celebrate holidays. Haven’t had Pacifico in a while, probably since last Cinco de Mayo. It’s great!

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