After all this is over…

“After all this is over, all that will have really mattered is how we treated each other”

– Some neighborhoods have started putting back up their Christmas lights to help spread cheer. It’s catching on quick!

– Celebrities like Jennifer Garner, Margo Robbie, Jamie Lee Curtis are reading bedtime stories to kids for free online!

– Neighbors everywhere are shopping for each other and sharing food and supplies…

– Many restaurants and pubs are offering free food and free delivery. One of my neighbors who runs Hugo’s Restaurants in LA, is offering FREE kids meals while LAUSD is closed!

– A Costco worker made everyone’s life easier by lining up all the carts and already placing TP inside each one to avoid rushes and fights.

– Generous tipping!!! Some people in Ohio left a $2,500 tip!. A guy in New Jersey left $100. And an anonymous couple in Houston left a $9400 tip… The restaurant split it up between all the workers.

– Many fitness companies are offering free workout videos online! Check out this fitness instructor in Spain. He’s leading a workout session where people can follow along on their balconies for safe social distancing…

– Everywhere I look I see notes of kindness and sharing. Keep it up, people!

More here: #coronakindness

Have a great weekend everyone. Although most of us are indoors it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun!

– Joel