Fill in the _________

Fill in the blank spaces…


Although I’m locked up in ____(city)____, I’m feeling quite _____(good emotions)_____. Because in the grand scheme of things, my life is truly ____(description)____.

I’m learning to _____(new skill)_____ today, and staying home let’s me be sneaky and _____(guilty pleasure)_____ too!

Today I will check in on ____(family member)____, _____(neighbor)____ and _____(friend)_____ to make sure they’re ok and share my positivity.

And I’ll help out my community by _____(kind act)_____.

Today is Friday. And Friday is ____(positive description)____!

Have a great day everyone!

– Joel

Ps. if you really feel like helping out your elderly neighbors, print out this card and drop it in their mailboxes…