Enjoying the journey!

Happy Saturday, lovely people!!

This morning my wife and I are driving to Las Vegas!! 🎲

…then to Salt Lake, then Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, up to northwest Montana, then back home to California!

A friend of mine commented… “That’s like 40 hours of driving time! Won’t you get bored? Why don’t you fly, it’s quicker!?”

Well, that’s one way to look at it. If you are only thinking about the destination, road trips seem long and boring vs. flying.

But my wife and I are thinking differently… We are learning to enjoy the journey. While destinations are definitely fun… the journey can be just as enjoyable if you slow down and live in the “messy middle”.

What ever you get up to this weekend – enjoy the journey!
Love, Joel.

Left some secret love notes on my wife’s hard boiled eggs this week. It’s her birthday today!