Happy thoughts, happy life.

Morning, friends!

Try this real quick…

1) Past happy event: Think of a fun and positive memory from the last few months. (Like Christmas, a moment with your partner, or something big at work that made you feel great). You have an awesome life!

2) Current happy event: Think of something in the present, real time, right now that you are blessed with. (Like the comfy bed you are laying in, the delicious coffee in your hand, or your amazing house that you have). You are living an awesome life!

3) Future happy event: What is 1 cool thing you are doing this weekend? Or a major event that is happening soon that you’re really looking forward to? You have an awesome life!

Past, present or future… Your life is full of great things.

Remember this often, as gratitude is the gateway to happiness.

Happy weekend, you lucky people!!
– Joel

Pic from Sam in Detroit: “The morning sky from our front porch on a chilly morning in metro Detroit a couple of days ago”