5am Emails – Housekeeping and Thank You!

Good morning, nerds!

If you’re new to this email list… Welcome! Thanks for joining, and I hope you get some value from my short, pithy morning notes.

I started these 5am daily emails with no particular goal in mind… Just wanted to spread some simple positivity with my coworkers each morning.

It’s been 3 years now, and these messages have evolved (and I’ve evolved as a person). Now I get up each morning and share new things I’ve learned, express gratitude, try to motivate and help others, and tell happy and fun stories.

Each day I’m striving to be a better person, and want to encourage others to do the same.

My emails go out every day, around 5-6am Pacific time. Weekends included. I write most of them from scratch every morning, but some I draft the night before (like this one!)

If you want to comment or talk to me, just hit reply to any email. I get a lot of messages each day, and respond to every single one. Even if it’s bad feedback. Hearing from you guys and making new friends is my favorite part of this whole thing.

Thanks again for joining me in my journey. I really appreciate all of you taking time to read my stuff each day.

Cheers! I’m off to go surfing now – LA beaches re-open today!
– Joel