I have 2 clocks…

I have 2 clocks…

The first is my Apple Watch. It tells me the time, shows how much sleep I’ve had, displays my heartbeat, motivates me to workout, tells me when lunchtime is, when to go to bed, etc…

The other clock is inside my body. It’s invisible and only I can feel it. And if I listen really carefully, it tells me the time, how much sleep I need, my heart rate, my mood, how much I should work out, when to eat and when to go to bed…

Today, I’m gonna live by clock 2… my natural body clock. I don’t need technology to tell me what and when to do things. It’s Sunday, and I’m gonna get back in touch with my inner self.

Have a relaxing Sunday everyone. Live today on your own time.
– Joel

*Photo by Mitchell Hollander on Unsplash