RIP Joe O’Leary 🪦

Yesterday I got this email alert from Google 👇

(I’m not sure why I got this — I must have set up a search alert for my name years ago — I’ve never received a single alert since)

Anyway, seeing my (almost) name next to an obituary was kind of frightening. A reminder that life is short, I will die one day, and one of these will be written about the real me.


Actually these are good reminders for anyone:

  • Life is short
  • You will die one day
  • One of these obituaries will be written about you.

Sooooo… we should all be trying to live each day to the fullest we can. If not now, then when?

Wishing you a happy Sunday! Be glad you are alive 🙂
– Joel


“had a killer bike ride to the top of our new local mountain yesterday” – from Joel Larsgaard 🚴🏻‍♂️