Scheduling your cardio

My friend Anthony sent me this a few days ago…

“I have a Peloton “date” every Tuesday and Thursday morning with a buddy back east that keeps me accountable. If I commit to doing something with someone else and it’s on my calendar, I rarely skip or miss it. Have you tried scheduling your cardio? Also, first thing in the morning is best for me to jumpstart my day. What’s the best time of day for you to exercise? Cardio can be as simple as a brisk walk around the block. C’mon, you got this. I’ll “date” you if it helps! 😉”

I’m not sure if this helps you… But it certainly helped me! I’ve now got reoccurring Tuesday and Friday “Run 1 Mile” appointments in my calendar. And Anthony is checking up on me to make sure I do it.

How’s your fitness going? If you need a kick, this is it! 🦵

Make it a good one,
– Joel. 🏃‍♂️

“Sunset in Phoenix at kids soccer tournament” — from another Jason!