Stone soup 🥣

Some travelers came to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot.

Sadly, the village people weren’t very welcoming, refusing to share their food or befriend the poor hungry strangers.

So, the travelers went to a stream and filled their cooking pot with water, dropped a large stone in it, and placed it over a fire.

After a while, one of the villagers walked by, curious as to what they were making. “We’re making delicious stone soup…” said the travelers, “and we’d love to share some with you, but to top it off we just need a tiny bit of garnish”

The villager didn’t mind parting with a few carrots, so he gave them to the traveler and they were added to the soup.

Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and again the travelers mention their stone soup which has not yet reached its full potential. A few onions were donated in exchange for trying the soup when it was ready.

More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient… Potatoes, cabbages, celery, tomatoes, sweetcorn, salt and pepper.

Finally, the stone was removed from the pot, and a delicious and nourishing pot of soup was enjoyed by travelers and villagers alike.


A couple questions to ponder:

– What tiny thing are you contributing to your community this weekend?

– How can you be more welcoming and helpful to new travelers in your life?

Happy Saturday!!!
Love, Joel

Pic from C. S. J. —> “my Amaryllis plant’s flower in blooming stages this week” 🙏